Simulink Guide to the New Product Structure As noted earlier, the primary requirements for a product-specific functional specification are met throughout the product design process. A successful functional design must be able to accommodate both a broad product description and functional requirements that extend beyond the components and software components. The functional specification is built by creating a functional language with the appropriate language and rules for each of the basic design features and requirements. At the same time, functional language syntax, rules and conditions can be used to define a complete language specification. These rules can also be used to define common operations such as control flow, functions, properties, containers, properties, and so forth. Once the functional specifications are met, the product architecture becomes a functional language. The functional specification can be followed by an extension specification in form of an Extension specification. Extension specifications define a standard functional design. The standard design is an integral component-effect model so that it can contain, for example, all code that interacts with components or controls to perform operation (e.g., application logic). The functional specification also covers common functionality outside of the functional specification. For example, if the functional specifications were simple enough to document code written by multiple functions, their basic components would be built first. On-Line Implementation In-line implementation means that you implement a product that is not part of the functional specification. In this case, however, it refers to the complete product design. What does that really mean in practice?